L-Bricks by Steven Reid goldfinger69@geocities.com @(#)pov-ray l_bricks.zip v1.1 07/02/98 --------------------------------------- Sorry, I don't have much for documentation yet, just this quick readme file. If you received this from a source other than my website, here is the url which (hopefully) I will have my tutorial up soon. At least a few blurbs about this library can be found there: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/1969 Installation: ------------- Unzip this file into your POV-Ray (version 3 or higher) include directory. I've created a seperate directory and added it to the library include path. You can do the same if you wish. The files must be able to find each other, so it is best to keep them together (including the pictures). Usage: ------ If you don't have it, download the 602 Fire Chief sample POV-Ray scene from my web site. It is a good starting place! Since I started ray tracing using Stefan Maes' LEGO library (which in turn was based on Paul Gyugyi's original LEGO library for Rayshade (now known as L3G0), my library shares the unusual (for POV-Ray anyway) axis definition of as your look down the Y axis: ^ +Z | /^ +Y | / |/ +X <----+-----> -X To make adding the bricks to more traditional POV-Ray scenes (and to be able to use the sky spheres and grounds more easily), I create a union of all the bricks and do a rotate -90*x. Note that you will have to position the camera on the opposite site of the Z axis (pointing towards -Z instead of towards Z) to see the front of your scene. Or, you could just rotate the whole thing again 180*y. My scene does the first to make things easier. The bricks are simple object defines, so the easiest way to use them is as follows: union { // a scene object {l_br4x2 texture{l_red}} object {l_rd1 translate texture{l_blue}} rotate -90*x } Of course, it is easier to build up parts and then piece them all together! Note the use of W and H. To simplify positioning, I've declared size constants. W is the width of a standard brick. H is the standard height. Other definitions can be found in L_Standard.inc which is used by all the library files. As I find time, I'll create a catalog of all the different bricks currently defined. For now, browse the files and see what's there. The S_Minifig.inc is probably the hardest. Take a look at the 602 Fire Chief for a quick look at how the good old fire chief is positioned and put together! If you find any bugs or issues, please drop me a line at: goldfinger69@geocities.com or slreid@micron.net Enjoy! Steven Reid